Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Toy Shop Window


Today in IPC, Grade 1, together with K2, looked at the painting, The Toy Shop by Peter Blake (1962). The picture is a type of self portrait telling about the artist's favorite toys that he played with as a child. We listed the toys we could identify in the painting and talked about the types of toys that are still popular today.

The children were then given sheets of paper which were divided into four boxes, to represent their toy shop window. In the first box, children will be drawing/showing toys that their grandparents would have played with; in the second box, toys their parents would have played with. The bottom two boxes will feature toys the children like to play with today and what toys might be available in the future.

Children started drawing the toys they play with today and were given the rest of the task as home learning this week. I ask that parents please take a look at this task and talk with your children about the toys you played with when you were young. Children can interview their grandparents to find out what toys they played with, or if this isn't possible, get help from parents to fill out this square. These sheets should be brought back to class where they will be shared on Friday, September 21.

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